Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Your mom goes to college

Mother's Day Out -- here we come! Harper started MDO last Tuesday, and we both think it is awesome! No first day picture, but I'll give you two pics from her second day! What a deal, eh?

Harper's teachers said she was great both days. She played the entire time, barely looking up to wave bye when I dropped her off. I really think MDO is going to be great for both of us. For goodness sakes, last Tuesday was the first time I've been alone in our house in almost a year! (Jeff--that 30 minute errand to Best Buy with Harper was nice, but it hardly constituted as alone time.)

Aside from preserving whatever remains of my sanity, another purpose of Harper starting MDO is to free up time for me to work on my own school schtuff. As I mentioned before, I've re enrolled at Texas State (long live SWT!) to finish up my MPA degree. The capstone project for the program is rather intensive (though what master's degree isn't?), and it will require a substantial amount of my time and energy to make it to graduation in May.

Unfortunately, Harper has been sick for the last couple of days and will miss both installments of MDO this week. I had to drive to San Marcos yesterday evening for class, which meant Jeff left work early to play Dr. Mom. A two-hour trip (each way) to sit in class for three hours...ugh. I'm already behind...ugh. Can I say "ugh" again? To make matters worse, I came down with a stomach bug last night, and Jeff thinks he may have the flu. He is at the doctor's office right now, so hopefully he will come home with news that he has what we had and not the silly flu!

Keep your fingers crossed that I can catch up and still make this arrangement work for everyone. I, myself, am worried!


  1. adorable pictures! sorry about the sickness. i know you have an abundance of babysitters, but let me offer my services if you need a study session and cant find one!

  2. As a full time student and mother myself, I will tell you that children will get their only annual ear infection at 3am of the morning of your midterms.
